The family at the Rehearsal Dinner for Lukas and Lauren's Wedding in Pasadena, CA.
FRONT LEFT TO RIGHT: Gavin, Arin, Pam, Lauren, Jordan, Mason, and Peyton.
BACK LEFT TO RIGHT: Shawn, Lukas, Don, and Bryan.
Hello Everyone!!
It has been a busy year once again! The picture is an indicator of one of the reason's we were so busy! I don't think we are caught up yet after being gone for two whole weeks in California. If you know us, you know we do not take vacations that last two weeks. But, there we were last July in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Anaheim, Las Vegas, etc. touring, vacationing, and celebrating with Lauren and Lukas. Lauren pretty much had every minute planned for us and we all had a great time! We were joined by our friends Bev (Hicks) & Bob Bisard who had recently moved to Arizona and zipped over to join in the fun! It was wonderful visiting and partying with them and everyone who made it out to Cali for the festivities!
You may have noticed from the picture that Arin has a little baby bump. That's right, the Shaver's are expecting baby boy number three! Ashton is suppose to arrive on January 9th via C-section. Mason is now four and still in preschool and Gavin is almost two and spends his non-day care time trying to do everything his older brother is doing! So if Mason is playing basketball in pee-wee league at the Y, or playing Upwards soccer....Gavin is right there with him trying to participate! They both really love playing games on the computer or on someone's phone too. Meanwhile, mom is still Planning Director for Logansport/Cass County, and dad is still the Property Manager for various entities.
Daughter number two, Jordan, is still in Madison, WI. She has finished her Master's in Spanish Literature and is teaching Spanish at Madison Area Technical College in Portage, WI. This is only a night class and in order to make ends meet she is also a nanny for two children right after school until their parents get home from work. We also have a new family member thanks to Jordan....a grand-dog named Rufio. Now when Jordan comes home so does Rufio! I think he likes being on the farm, but is bummed that we don't let him in the house more!
Lauren is now Mrs. Lukas Ray as you know, and has a new job at Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills, CA as a medical insurance/collections person for a plastic surgeon. She is still pursuing her dream in acting, but at least now we know she can eat! Lukas, her husband, stopped modeling and now works at Chase Bank while going to college full time studying finance. He is taking this husband thing seriously!!
Peyton is still at IUPUI studying business and swimming on the swim team. It has been a tough year as she has been having some problems breathing while swimming. We hope to figure that out after this swim season is over if not before. We are hoping to find a good doctor to help us, you'd think we could find one since there is a medical school there but so far no luck!! In the meantime, she continues to threaten to change her major from accounting to finance or some such thing! I guess not everyone can find numbers in columns as much fun as her dad does!
Lastly, Bryan is half-way through his junior year and still spending major time playing tennis. He had a very successful season and is still hopeful that he can play at the college level in the future....time will tell! There is probably a college that will love to have him play there, but dad the accountant is not going to pay extra at a private college just so he can play tennis. Better start working on those scholarships and S.A.T.'s Bryan!
Oh...one more thing, Martin! Martin is our foreign exchange student this year, He is from Germany but was born in the Czech Republic so therefore speaks several languages. He has become a definite member of the family as everyone loves to give him a hard time, and he gives it right back! He has given me a lot of fodder for my story-telling too!
So, that's it for this year! Don and I are still doing the same stuff as last year, we are just more behind doing it! One good thing about being so far behind is that this letter is the shortest one ever.....and also not with the picture so you won't feel you have to read it unless you really want to!!! We are all grateful the world didn't end and hope we get to see more of you in the upcoming year!! Have a great and wonderful 2013 and God Bless!
Love you all!!
Pam and all the Zehner's